Parents: Important Steps To Take For Your Children's Teeth

Posted on: 7 April 2015

As a parent, keeping your children's teeth in good condition is important. This doesn't have to be hard when you take these steps:

Get Them to Eat Healthy Foods

First and foremost, in order for your children's teeth to remain healthy, you need to get them to eat foods that are healthy for teeth. Stay away from candy and sugary deserts, as these foods can break down tooth enamel.

Try getting your children to eat a lot of celery because this vegetable requires a lot of chewing. More chewing produces more saliva, which helps your children's teeth stay cleaner throughout the day. Apples are also great for teeth because they contain malic acid, which can keep your children's teeth stay white. 

Foods that are high in vitamin c are also beneficial because they help strengthen gums and other tissues in the mouth. Chili peppers, oranges and strawberries contain ample amounts of vitamin c.

Have Cavities Filled in Quickly

If your children have already been eating unhealthy foods, they may have cavities. You need to have these filled in as quickly as possible, as they can cause excruciating pain and break down tooth structures. When you get help from a dentist, the decayed portion of your child's teeth will be removed. A filling is then inserted to replace the decayed material.

Today, there are a lot of filling options you can choose from for your children's teeth. One of the most popular is composite resin. Made from a mixture of fine glass particles and plastic, composite resin fillings can match the color of teeth. These fillings also bond directly to the decayed teeth, which gives them adequate support. 

Utilize Braces

A common tooth problem for children is crooked teeth. If your children have this issue, it's important to straighten their teeth as quickly as possible with braces.

There are many types of braces available to your child. One of the more expensive types is clear braces. These plastic-like molds are completely clear – so your children don't have to feel self-conscious when wearing them. Clear braces can also be taken out at any time, making them easy to keep clean.

Lingual braces are another popular option, and they are more affordable than clear braces. These are put behind teeth, so they won't be visible when your children smile.

If you have children, it's important that their teeth are in good condition because it lets them smile with confidence. Your children will have the perfect teeth both structurally and aesthetically thanks to these steps. To learn more, contact a company like Family Dental Center TriCities, PC.
