3 Herbal Teas To Relieve Soreness After A Dental Implant Procedure

Posted on: 30 October 2015

Dental implants are useful for replacing broken or missing teeth. The implants can be shaped and colored to match your existing teeth. Installing a dental implant involves embedding a titanium post into the bone socket of the tooth it is replacing. Once the post bonds with the rest of the bone in your mouth, the replica tooth is then added. This entire process can leave your mouth feeling a little sore.
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Veneers: How They Are Placed And How They Can Transform Your Smile

Posted on: 16 October 2015

If you would like to improve the appearance of your teeth, cosmetic dental applications such as veneers can help. Veneers are thin slivers of porcelain or resin that can be applied to the front surface of your teeth to enhance their appearance. Here is the process for applying veneers and a few ways veneers can transform your smile: How are veneers placed? When you decide to get veneers, you can expect to have at least two scheduled visits with your dentist.
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4 Things To Avoid After The Teeth Whitening Process

Posted on: 21 September 2015

Teeth whitening is something that many people sign up for with their cosmetic dentist. This is because having a white smile not only makes a great first impression when you meet new people, but it also boosts confidence significantly. However, after the teeth whitening process, you want to be sure that you contribute to your teeth staying white for a long time before needing to go through the whitening process again.
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4 Types Of Root Canal Treatments – And How Your Dentist Decides Which To Use

Posted on: 10 September 2015

Root canal treatments involve cleaning out the root canal of a tooth to remove damage to the pulp inside or to remove an infection and prevent recurrence. There are a few different types of root canals that are implemented according to the type, location, and severity of the problem. Each type is generally used as a way to save the tooth from potential extraction. Here are the four types of root canal treatments – and how your family dentist decides which to use.
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