
  • How Beverages Affect Your Child's Teeth

    While small children may only have baby teeth in their mouth, they will eventually develop permanent teeth to replace the baby teeth. Caring for a child's teeth is important even when he or she has baby teeth. And did you know that the beverages you give your child can play a huge role in the health of his or her teeth? Here are several things you should know about beverages and your child's teeth.
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  • When You Should Seek Dental Care For Tooth Pain

    While it may not be rational, some people do not like going to the dentist, and some even fear it. Because of this, many people avoid dental care even when they absolutely need it. If you have recently begun to experience tooth pain, you may be in a place where you are trying to avoid the dentist unless a visit is completely necessary. However, it can be tough to tell when your tooth pain is something to be concerned about.
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  • Three Ways An Autoimmune Disorder Can Harm Your Oral Cavity

    If you suffer from an autoimmune disorder, you may experience profound fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, hair loss, and gastrointestinal problems. In addition to these, those who have autoimmune conditions may also develop problems inside their mouths. Here are three ways an autoimmune disease can affect your mouth and what you can do about them: Dry Mouth Autoimmune disorders can affect your tear ducts and salivary glands. Because of this, those affected with autoimmune conditions may be susceptible to dry, gritty eyes and dry mouth.
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  • Bruxism Vs. Cavity: How To Tell Which Is Causing Your Tooth Pain

    When you wake up with tooth pain, you may be thinking that you have a cavity. Well, that could be the case, but an alternate explanation is bruxism. Bruxism is grinding your teeth while you are asleep at night. It can cause you to wake with intense pain in your teeth.  So, which of these do you think is the problem? There are a few ways you can tell for sure.
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  • Summer Is Here: 4 Tips To Make Sure Your Teeth Are Ready For Vacation

    School's out for summer. It's time to get started on those vacations. Before you do, you need to make sure that your teeth are ready for the adventures. Because of all the running around you do during the summer, it can be hard to remember to take care of your teeth. Unfortunately, that can lead to some serious problems that can end up taking the fun right out of your summer.
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  • What Is The Time Frame For Getting A Dental Implant?

    There are dentists that offer same-day dental implants, but most dentists do not. In fact, most dentists perform dental implant procedures over the course of around six months, and they require multiple appointments. If you are thinking about replacing a missing tooth with an implant, here are several things you should understand about the time frame required to have this completed. The entire process typically takes 5 to 12 months
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  • How To Get Your Teeth Straightened While Participating In Pageantry

    If you participate in beauty pageants, performances, or anything else that involves a lot of posing and smiling, you probably want your teeth to look their best. At the same time, you can't have metal brackets and wires sticking to the fronts of your teeth and being the first thing anyone sees if you smile. If you're eager to get your teeth straightened and just need to be able to hide your braces when you perform or compete, here's what you can do.
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  • Do Dental Implants Interfere With Veneers?

    If you've spent time and money getting the look of your smile perfected with dental veneers, chances are you don't want to do anything that will mess it up. However, if you've lost a tooth or need to have a tooth extracted, you might be concerned that the replacement could cause problems for your cosmetic improvements. If you're interested in dental implants, here's what you need to know about how they interact with veneers.
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  • Types Of Dental Cleaning Needed To Protect The Teeth

    Although tooth-whitening applications can help your teeth look cleaner, they don't actually improve or protect the health of the teeth. Teeth that are kept free of plaque, tartar, and food particles are less likely to incur decay.  Decay occurs when bacterial acids eat away the enamel of the teeth. As the acids make contact with the enamel, they dissolve important minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus. Eventually, holes or cavities form in the tooth material.
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  • What To Do If Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming In

    For most people, wisdom teeth have to be removed due to a lack of space in the mouth. However, some are lucky enough to be able to keep their wisdom teeth. Unfortunately, if you haven't seen a dentist recently or had dental x-rays performed, you might not know which is the case for you. If you think your wisdom teeth are starting to come up through your gums, here's what you should do to reduce your pain and seek help.
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