
  • What A Dental Laboratory Does To Produce A Personalized Crown

    Behind every dental crown lies meticulous and skilled work, usually conducted in a dental laboratory. A dental crown lab is one that specializes in the formation of crowns, a popular solution when it comes to the restoration of damaged or missing teeth, these days. Technicians at the dental crown laboratory will fashion the cap that will then fit over your natural tooth or implant. The idea is that it will restore its shape, size, and function.
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  • Pediatric Dentistry Helps Prevent Dental Problems And Treats Dental Conditions As Needed

    When your baby's first tooth comes through their gums, it's time to think about taking your baby to the dentist. A pediatric dentist is a good choice since they've had additional training beyond general dentistry that focuses on the dental health and development of babies through teens. Here's why good dental care is so important for young kids and the type of care your child's dentist may recommend. Pediatric Dentistry Focuses On Prevention
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  • How Can A Kid Bruise A Tooth?

    A few bumps and bruises acquired during various games and adventures are all part of being a child. But sometimes those bruises can appear in curious places. If your child suffered an accident that involved blunt force trauma (a hard knock) to their jaw, you would have inspected their teeth for damage. The teeth may have looked unaffected, but a bruised tooth can take a little time to develop. Bruised Pulp
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  • Do You Need Local Or General Anesthesia For Your Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

    If you need to have some wisdom teeth extracted, you may be curious about what type of anesthetic and sedation you will need. The choice between local, intravenous, and general anesthesia can depend on your health history, your dentist's recommendations, and your preferences. Read on to learn more about the pros and cons of each method. Local Anesthesia Some people may be surprised to learn that they can have wisdom teeth removed with local anesthesia.
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  • Dental Services Your Child Could Require

    A pediatric dentist can be an essential type of professional service for helping your children to avoid some common and serious dental issues. Over the time that your child is growing, there are several different services that you may need from a pediatric dental clinic. Extracting Teeth To Avoid Dental Crowding Unfortunately, some children can be very prone to having their teeth crowding each other. When this occurs, it can increase the likelihood of the child developing severe alignment problems that may be very difficult to correct.
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  • Key Considerations When Picking Dental Crown Materials

    Dental crowns are reliable caps that dentists place over chipped or broken teeth and implants. Their role is to enhance the usability and appearance of the compromised teeth. If you are required to get a dental crown, it's crucial to make an informed decision.   You should pick a material that can meet your requirements. Some materials offer more strength, while others are more cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing. Consider these vital aspects before making a final decision.
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  • Should A Professional Dental Cleaning Feel Uncomfortable?

    A thorough dental cleaning is a key feature of your regular checkups. This is when your dentist or dental hygienist gives your teeth the sort of thorough cleaning that your toothbrush is incapable of managing, no matter how carefully you might brush. You should certainly feel that your teeth are being professionally cleaned, but this sensation should be little more than some light sensitivity. So why have your professional cleanings become uncomfortable?
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  • What Happens When You Get A Root Canal

    You never want a cavity to go below the layer of enamel and dentin of your tooth, as it will likely reach the nerves. This means that it cannot be fixed with a standard filling, and you'll need to get a root canal to fix it. Here is an overview of what to expect during a root canal. Preparation The process starts by putting a dental dam around your tooth, which is designed to isolate your tooth completely.
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  • Emergency Dentist Situations: What To Know

    If you have suffered a dental emergency, it's important that you understand the proper response and steps to deal with it and protect your oral health. Knowing not only when to call the dentist but also what you can do while you wait for your appointment can make the entire experience less traumatic and easier to navigate. Here's a look at some of the things that you should know when it comes to dealing with dental emergencies.
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  • Top 3 Benefits Of Choosing Invisible Braces

    Traditional metal braces and invisible braces both seek to accomplish the same goal of straightening your teeth. However, while both of these options work in essentially the same way, there are a few benefits that come along with choosing invisible braces over traditional braces. Continue reading below to learn more about three of these benefits. Taking the time to learn more about these benefits can help you to decide if the use of invisible braces may be right for you.
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