3 Facts To Know About Periodontal Disease

Posted on: 27 September 2016

Gum disease is incredibly common, especially among older individuals even though it is a preventable disease. If your dentist has warned you that you have or may develop gum disease, check out these three facts you need to know about periodontal disease. Gingivitis Is Easily Treated Periodontal disease comes in two forms: gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is easily treated with at-home changes to your oral health, such as brushing and flossing regularly.
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Do You Think A Custom Mouthpiece Costs Too Much For Your Child? Why You Can't Afford To Not Have One

Posted on: 6 September 2016

If your child is starting to play sports where they have contact with other kids and you've noticed that they get hit in the face now and then, it may be time to get them a custom fitting mouth guard. A custom fitting mouth guard is ideal because it will protect your child, and because you know it's going to fit properly. If you're worried about the costs of the mouth guard, or if you are concerned it isn't worth the investment, here are some things to consider.
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Is Taking Calcium Supplements Beneficial For Your Teeth?

Posted on: 18 August 2016

Calcium is an important mineral for the body. It helps to build strong teeth and bones. Is it possible to help your teeth by taking calcium supplements on a daily basis? Here's a look at the facts surrounding the supplements. The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Says Yes Back in 2000, WebMD reported that Toronto's American Society for Bone and Mineral Research conducted a study to see how calcium and vitamin D supplements would help.
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I Know What You Had To Drink: 4 Ways To Enjoy Red Wine Without The Stains

Posted on: 30 July 2016

You spend a lot of time and effort keeping your teeth as white as they can be. That can be difficult when you enjoy red wine. Luckily, you don't have to give up red wine just to keep your teeth white. If you've switched to white wine to avoid stains, you can switch back. Here are four simple steps you can take to keep those red wine stains off your pearly white teeth.
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